Friday 20 February 2015

Atok, 100 Plus dan Aku

I would like to tell you guys about a story called Me, 100 Plus and Atok. Ini adalah old story that reminds me about Atok whenever I walk to a store and saw 100 Plus. Aku tak pernah nak cerita benda ni pada orang lain but today I think, I want to share this story to all readers.

Aku ni dulu orangnya rapat dengan Atok aku. Every time going back to Johor, first things is to meet up with her. She thought me how to read Quran once, Yassin till finished, pray and others. She is sometimes is a place for me to give out all my unsorty matters.

On all matters she tought me, the one that I cannot forget is 100 Plus.

I am someone who have problem with my stomach. I will have problem if I eat so much of chillies, or yesterday food, or even wedding food (either catering or rewang kind a cooking). Sounds bossy ha? But that is me.

So one day I went to a family's member wedding. I surely know that I have no choice rather than eat the "rewang" food also made by the familys' member. Atok also attending, well she is staying with my aunt whom having her daughters' wedding.

Long story cut short, next morning I feel sick. Very bad sick with my stomach. Buang air besar memang tak ingat senaknya. Terbaring aku dekat atok. "Apis sakit perut?" - she asked. "Ha ah. Perut ni sensitip la Tok" - I replied.

Atok terus cakap "cuba Apis minum 100 Pelas. Boleh hilang sakit perut tu". Aku pun secara berseloroh "yea la tu Tok. Kang berangin lagi plak perut ni..." sambil tersengeh. "Eh Atok tak main-main. Atok bila sakit perut pun minum 100 Pelas. Nanti lega la perut tu"  - beriya Atok aku ni. I did bought the 100 Plus and drink it and yes, it reduce the miserable pain.

Itu 7 years ago and I still used this formula to reduce my stomach pain. Sadly, Atok telah pun tiada lagi. 19th February 2015 adalah tarikh akhir aku dapat melihat Atok walaupun telah kaku. 100 Pelas pun belum dapat meredakan kesedihan ini. Namun 100 Plus menjadi kenangan antara Atok dan aku.

Al-Fatihah buat Hjh Chik Binti Murshid

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Photo shoot Feb 2013

Photo shoot Feb 2013
The Crew!!! Thanks guys!

You and Me
